raspberry pi

Making an arcade cocktail table - Raspberry pi 3B+ and Retropie build

Published at 2020-05-05

While on a company outing with my company to a nearby arcade pub, I came across a table with a built-in arcade system. I thought to myself that this would make a great piece of furniture in my house. I already own a Raspberry pi 3 and I have a spare monitor that I don't use. So I went straight to eBay and started ordering some stuff.

Building a table

First of all, we need to do some woodworking. We're building a table after all. We're going to need some parts to make an arcade table.

We need to figure out the measurements for our boards. I did this by feel, but feel free to use my measurements if you want to recreate this.


Now we're ready to configure the machine. This is the easiest part of the entire build. I recommend following their documentation.

Split-screen support

The initial orientation of the screen will be in landscape mode. This is an awkward orientation to play in. We can apply a GLSL shader to avoid this issue. Luckily someone on Reddit solved this issue. This is what that looks like:

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Karl SolgÄrd

Norwegian software developer. Eager to learn and to share knowledge. Sharing is caring! Follow on social: Twitter and LinkedIn. Email me: karl@solgard.solutions