
Scoring elasticsearch query by date with linear function and constant score

Published at 2015-11-29

In one of our recent projects, my development team was asked about the possibility to score search results sorely based on dates. The query must:

Using linear function and constant score

We decided to let a constant score query detect the query in selected fields (title, body). This will always return the same/constant score. After all relevant documents have matched, we use a linear function to affect the score. We have set this to decay for four years (104 weeks / 0.5 decay).

This is our finished query:

    "query": {
      "function_score": {
        "functions": [
            "linear": {
              "updated": {
                "origin": "now",
                "scale": "104w",
                "decay": 0.5
        "query": {
          "constant_score": {
            "query": {
              "bool": {
                "should": [
                    "match_phrase": {
                      "title": {
                        "query": "{{query}}"
                    "match_phrase": {
                      "body": {
                        "query": "{{query}}"

This is an implementation for ElasticSearch 1.5. Might be outdated for future implementations.

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Karl SolgÄrd

Norwegian software developer. Eager to learn and to share knowledge. Sharing is caring! Follow on social: Twitter and LinkedIn. Email me: karl@solgard.solutions